What's new. Here and there.
July 27, 2024 at 9:26 pm,
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It's rainy season in Ethiopia right now. With its pros and cons, and its disasters. A few days ago, there was a landslide in the Gofa region due to the rains. Many people got under the mud. Many have already been found, but not all... Such is life nowadays - everywhere both joys and misfortunes. We are grateful for every morning we look forward to and every day we have lived happily.
And there is another friend of mine in Ethiopia who is waiting for the help of our, fellow human beings. His name is Moges. And he lives in Lalibela, Ethiopia. He is a wonderful father to his children and a caring husband to his wife. Only, an accident happened to him - he needs a kidney transplant. If you are able and willing to help, contact Moges, please! The Universe will appreciate it. Thank you, Human being! I transferred my part through WU.
There is also some happier information - our (my and my husband's) care child, the Arba Minch ECO camping, which we support by physically helping with work and morally when times are more difficult, is very active and soon 4 more bungalows and a terrace cafe will be completed. We are happy about his achievements. A year ago we spent some time there working as volunteers. If you want to try what it's like to live and work in Ethiopia, you also have opportunity to put your hard-working hand there. In this case, contact me. Well, if you just want to relax and enjoy nature - you are also welcome at the campsite!